Book/Online audio. A collection of 23 clawhammer banjo solos written in tablature. The pieces are transcribed as played by Fred Cockerham and Tommy Jarrell by Bob Carlin. Also included are modern interpretations by Dan Levenson. This is the third book in a series of transcribed tunes from the old masters. Previous books are “Kyle Creed – Clawhammer Banjo Master” and “Wade Ward – Clawhammer Banjo Master.” Fred Cockerham and Tommy Jarrell both gave unique definition to the style of old-time clawhammer banjo playing. The repertoire, presented in tablature, is intended to be a starting point for your journey through the old-time music world. Each piece is presented in multiple arrangements, both on the page and in the online audio. Most of the recordings are played at learning tempos and correspond to the tablature. Intermediate/advanced. 56 pp.
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