Answering calls from guitarists everywhere for a valve amplifier that is truly lightweight and portable, Blackstar delivers the most advanced, innovative and best-sounding 50 Watt valve amps in the world. Available in a higher gain 6L6 design these amps are simple to use, but highly versatile. Developed after months of forensic examination of vintage valve amps, the intuitive two channel set-up delivers their best ever cleans and overdrives without compromise.
- Reactive load allows you to use the valve amps without a speaker connected, mimicing the response of a typical speaker for authentic power amp tones at home or in the studio
- The new Cab Rig simulator technology reproduces the sound and feel of a micd up guitar cab in incredible detail
- Power reduction to 5 watts, or “Sag” setting which recreates a softer vintage response
- Super lightweight amps, half the weight of a traditional valve amp
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