Xvive Audio Portable 3-Channel Personal MixerPX Mixer/Headphone Amplifier Complete System
As a musician and/or singer, whether youre performing live, rehearsing with a band or recording in a studio, you need to hear both yourself and the other musicians. But just as importantly, you need to have control over what you hear. Everyone hears differently from their own perspective, so everyone needs to have control over their own mix.
- Three-channel personal mixer and headphone amp system for instrumentalists and singers
- One PX-B snake;
- One Cat 5 25-foot cable (7.62 meters);
- Three balanced XLR to unbalanced TS adapters
- INPUT TYPE : XLR Balanced
- OUTPUT TYPE : 1/8 TRS, stereo
- IMPEDANCE : 8 – 80 k
- MAX. OUTPUT : 2x 150mW @ 16
- POWER INPUT : PoE (Power over Ethernet) or 2x AAA batteries
- BATTERY LIFE : ~5 hours
- CURRENT : ~210 mA
- POE POWER REQUIREMENT : 9V/2A center-negative. Powers up to 5 PX-A units
Is warranty coverage available for my product?
Yes! Majority of our product provides a minimum 1 year warranty on the electronic parts.
Can I test the product prior to my purchase?
Definitely! You can contact our sales team through 016-3111286 or head over to Music Bliss showroom to view the item before buying it. We are honored to have you over!
How long will it take to deliver?
It usually takes only 3-7 working days for the item to be safely delivered to your doorstep. Self-collection and Lalamove (local delivery) is available as well!
Can I self-collect my item(s)?
Of course! You can head over to Music Bliss showroom for self-collection during our working hours.
10am – 7.30pm (Mon – Thurs)
10am – 7pm (Fri – Sat)
10am – 6pm (Sun)
Can I use Lalamove / Grab / Same Day Delivery as a delivery option?
Yes! Please note that the delivery hour for Lalamove service is only available for local delivery, from 11am to 5pm daily. For delivery ,please check out choosing Lalamove/Grab service or contact the mainline 016-3111286.
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