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Vinnie Moore – Advanced Lead Guitar Techniques

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For the first time, the legendary HOT LICKS guitar instruction video series is being made available in book format with online access to all of the classic video footage. All of the guitar tab from the original video booklets has been re-transcribed and edited using modern-day technology to provide you with the most accurate transcriptions ever created for this series. Plus, we’ve included tab for examples that were previously not transcribed, providing you with the most comprehensive Hot Licks guitar lessons yet.

Here’s your chance to let the best make you better! One of the cleanest pickers around, Vinnie Moore’s blazing chops made him one of the most celebrated players of the 80s, 90s, and beyond. In this book/video, Vinnie teaches scales and chord theory, picking techniques, arpeggios, and more! Each exampleis played both at tempo and slowly, so you won’t miss a note!


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