DOWNLOAD ONLY. This title is available as a DOWNLOAD ONLY. Just click one of the links below and have it delivered straight to your computer. Book/6 CD pack. A complete course in the hammer dulcimer, taught by one of its leading players. Starts at the beginning, introducing you to the instrument and leading you through myriad tunes and techniques to make you an accomplished and versatile player. You’ll learn a repertoire of more than 20 tunes in several keys, rhythms and styles: “Golden Slippers,” “Mississippi Sawyer,” “Morrison’s Jig,” “Leather Britches,” “Jesu, Joy Of Man’s Desiring,” “Ragtime,” “Dulcimer Reel,” “Under The Double Eagle,” “Carolan’s Welcome,” “If I Were A Featherbed,” more. Tablature only. 62 pp.
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