Book with online audio. The perfect introduction for anyone discovering the tenor guitar. Not for beginners – assumes you already know guitar basics. Uses standard tenor guitar tuning: C-G-D-A. Each chapter is devoted to a particular key, and for each key you’ll play: scales, arpeggios, a song in “strum and sing style,” a single note melody and a stand alone solo piece. Covers 7 common keys. Along the way you’ll learn fun songs, sequences, position shifting, chord strumming, single-note picking, fingerpicking, hammer-ons, pull-offs, slides, more. Plus a chord chart with 48 chords, and a chart relating all the notes on the fretboard to the musical staff. Includes Playback+, an audio player that lets you slow down without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right. Also functions as a crossover method for folks who play guitar, mandolin, or tenor banjo. Note/tab. 55 pp.
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