Here’s a rare opportunity to witness amazing acoustic and electric guitar performances. The artists featured here represent a spectrum of styles and sounds, from classical-tinged lyricism to electric blues, Travis-style thumbpicking to ethereal tapping, delicate fingerstyle to rockin’ country blues. Includes: “Hometown” (Muriel Anderson), “Lady’s Night” (Preston Reed), “Mr. Guitar My Friend” (Thom Bresh), “Cannonball Rag” (Thom Bresh & Buster B. Jones), “Workin’ Man Blues” (Brent Mason), “Saudade” (Michael Chapdelaine), “Classical Gas” (Tommy Emmanuel), “Flying Home” (Stanley Jordan), “Seymour’s Blues” (Seymour Duncan), “Vincent” (Muriel Anderson & Tommy Emmanuel), and others. 70 min.
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