Contains 300-DVD117 & 300-DVD338. Vol. 1: Steve shows how you can alter a basic G scale to create a blues scale, demonstrates picking and tremolo techniques, then teaches 5 blues and jug band tunes: “Divin’ Duck Blues,” “The Lonesome Train That Carried My Gal Away,” “Juanita Stomp,” “Saturday Night in Jail,” and “Shotgun Blues.” Vol. 2: covers the keys of G and C, introducing blues scales, chord patterns, walking lines, arpeggios, more. Steve passes along material from some of the old mandolin blues masters and teaches 6 songs: “Jackson Stomp,” “Prater Blues,” “Corrina, Corrina,” “Sittin On Top of the World,” “Long As I Can See You Smile” and “Texas Tommy.” Beginning/intermediate. Note/tab included as either booklets or PDF files on the discs. 60 minutes each.
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