Buy 2 or more Murphy Method downloads and get them for $25 each! Ho-hum. Yawn. Bored with vamping? Wish there was something you could do to spice things up? There is! This DVD starts off with simple vamp decorations and then moves on to those fancy backup licks you hear on record. We don’t just teach you the licks, we show you how to put them into songs. Many backup licks and full backup patterns to: “I’m Thinking Tonight of My Blue Eyes,” “Bury Me Beneath The Willow,” “Titanic” and “Will The Roses Bloom.” (These backup licks also fit many other songs with the same chord patterns.) All taught note-for-note, BY EAR, using the “Murphy Method:” no tab or other written material. Backup will never be boring again! 150 min.
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